Introduction to the epistle of James

James is a beloved book, since it is so practical, so full of vivid exhortations to live a godly life. In a few pages, it offers concrete counsel on an array of issues that confront Christians daily: trials, poverty, materialism, pride, favoritism, justice, planning, prayer, illness, and more.

The epistle of James, like the Sermon on the Mount, is sublime and penetrating – perhaps too penetrating. James stirs us to action, but as it reveals our sins, we see that we cannot do what it commands. We cannot achieve holiness or maturity by striving. Unfortunately, James declares that obedience is the hallmark of genuine faith: “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says” (1:22).

Since the author demands an obedience that we cannot render, we struggle to resolve the tension between the stringency of his demands and our failure to attain them. If this were Paul, he would turn to the work of Christ the Savior. But James never mentions the cross, the atonement, the death, or the resurrection of Jesus. He never mentions justification by faith or redemption. Indeed, the absence of these themes prompts some to wonder where redemption is found in James. James does use Jesus’ name twice (1:1; 2:1), but in both cases there is only a passing reference to Him, rather than an exposition of His person or work. Similarly, while the term faith appears fourteen times in James, eleven occur in 2:14-26, a discussion that stresses that faith without deeds is dead (2:17, 26). Nonetheless, James does have a gospel, and it is revealed in the broad sweep of the book.

The author of James calls himself “James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ” (1:1). This James is the half-brother of Jesus, the natural son of Mary and Joseph. When the author calls himself “James,” without further identification, it implies that his audience already knows him so well that he can simply be “James” to them. James the brother of Jesus helped lead the Jerusalem church, making an important speech at the Council of Jerusalem. That council resolved that Gentiles, like Jews, are saved by “the grace of the Lord Jesus” (Acts 15:11). James gave the concluding speech.

James had joined his brothers in mocking Jesus during his ministry. The first time John mentions Jesus’s siblings, they say, “You ought to leave here and go to Judea, so that your disciples may see the miracles you do…Show yourself to the world.” Thus, “even his own brothers did not believe in him” (John 7:3-5). But Jesus graciously appeared to James after His resurrection (1 Cor. 15:7), and he became a pillar of the Jerusalem church.

In time, James became known as “James the Just,” due to his personal righteousness and his passion to promote righteousness in others. We see the same zeal in James’ epistle. He calls the law “the perfect law that gives freedom” (1:25) and “the royal law” (2:8). James subordinated his passion for the law to his greater passion for the gospel. James had a zeal for legal righteousness, but greater zeal for God’s grace.

James’s intended audience and the context of his epistle are indicated by its address to “the twelve tribes in the Dispersion.” The expression “the twelve tribes” traditionally signifies Israel, and “the dispersion” refers to Jews scattered throughout the world. But James wrote especially for Jewish Christians. He was, after all, a church leader. Moreover, Paul and Peter established that the church is the true heir of God’s promises to the tribes of Israel. Also, the word dispersion can serve as a metaphor to indicate that believers are never fully at home in this world. Peter addresses his first letter to “elect exiles of the Dispersion” (1 Peter 1:1), but it is clear that these exiles are mostly Gentiles. So, James envisioned a wide audience.

James assumed that his audience was familiar with life in Israel. For example, he mentions early and late rains; two rainy seasons are a distinct trait of eastern Mediterranean weather. James also refers to a synagogue (2:2) and assumes his audience takes pride in its monotheism (2:19). All this implies that he is writing to people who live in the land of Israel and call Jesus “Lord” (2:1). In short, while James surely writes for the whole church, he primarily addresses Jewish Christians. As the scribes and Pharisees demonstrate in the Gospels, there are people who know a great deal and take pride in that. But James stresses the need for knowledge that is personal and moral, not just intellectual (2:19). James prods theologically informed people to live their faith, rather than resting in doctrinal rectitude.

The dominant structure of James runs from 1:26 to 4:10. There James names three tests of true religion, shows that no one can meet them, and then calls for gospel repentance. He prepares for this in 1:1-25 by showing that life constantly tests or tries everyone, whether in the form of sudden trials or ongoing challenges, such as the need to handle poverty and riches faithfully. From 4:11 to 5:20, James shows how true faith manifests itself: in humble planning, constant prayer, and care for our brothers. How blessed we students of James will be if we follow where he leads and humble ourselves before the Lord when we falter.

Getting Started Questions:

Consider a time when you were challenged or confronted (for example, by a friend, family member, spiritual leader, mentor) because your actions were not lining up with your words and/or beliefs. How did that person seek to convince you of your error? How did you feel when confronted? How did you respond?

While each of us faces different levels of trial and trouble throughout our lives, we all deal with hardship, struggles, and various forms of pain (physical, emotional, and relational). What are some of the ways in which you have sought God, in the midst of trials, over the years? What false views or perspectives on God have you had to battle as you have faced various degrees of suffering?

Ruth 4:1-22 Ruth’s Reward

The choice of a husband is not the only issue that will be resolved in this final scene, however. The narrator also has another plot twist to spring on us at the very end of the book. With a wave of his hand, he reveals to us at the very end that the story has not just been about God providing a solution for the needs of certain individuals. No, in the process, God is also paving the way for the king that His people need. So, this is not just a story about God’s covenant faithfulness to Naomi and Ruth. It is about God’s covenant faithfulness to Israel. The Israelites haven’t even thought about asking for a king yet; they are still in the days of judges (Ruth 1:1). However, in His sovereignty and faithful love, God was already preparing ahead of time the line of the one who will ultimately meet that need. Who would have guessed that surprise ending at the start of this story?

As the chapter opens, we see that Boaz wasted no time in seeking a resolution on Ruth’s behalf (4: 1-2). The town gate was the place where meetings where held and legal business was transacted. There Boaz soon encountered this man and had him seated in front of a panel of witnesses, the elders of the people, he immediately broached the subject of their kinswoman Naomi and her future (vv. 3-4).

Boaz is really saying something like this: “Naomi has a field. She needs to sell it to raise money to live on. If there were a kinsman redeemer, however, he could buy that field and keep it in the family. Of course, the buyer would ultimately get to add the property to his own inheritance, provided that there are no children involved. You are the first in line…are you interested?” This seemed like such a promising opportunity that the kinsman redeemer instantly agreed.

But then Boaz sprang the surprise on him (v. 5). “Oh, by the way,” Boaz was saying. “One more thing: When you acquire the field along with it comes Ruth the Moabitess, the widow of the dead man whose field it was. You must marry her in order to raise up a child for the dead man, a child who will inherit the field when he grows up.” All of a sudden, the kinsman redeemer changed his mind (v. 6). The kinsman redeemer was only interested in ministry to the poor if there was a payoff for himself and his family.

The irony is that by seeking to protect his future legacy in this way, this kinsman redeemer ended up leaving himself nameless, missing out on having a share in the biggest legacy of all: a place in God’s plan of salvation. Boaz took a different and more sacrificial approach, embracing the opportunity to leave a legacy for someone else. This is clear from what he said when he made the transaction in the city gates (vv. 7-10).

Ruth 4 is all about preserving names. From the concern to preserve the names of Elimelech and Mahlon with their inheritance (v. 10), to the wish in the blessing that Boaz’s name would be remembered in Bethlehem (v. 11), to the similar blessing at the birth of Obed (v. 14), to the double naming of Obed (v. 17), to the list of names with which the chapter concludes (vv. 18-22), throughout this chapter there is the common thread of the desire to keep one’s name alive. Although neither the kinsman redeemer nor Boaz realized it at the time, a lasting name was what was at stake here. The one who married Ruth received not merely a woman of character with an impressive work ethic and the ability to lift and carry eighty pounds of grain, but he also received a place in God’s plan. The line of Boaz and Ruth would stretch on to include Obed, then Jesse, then David, Bethlehem’s most famous son, the king after God’s own heart. By trying to protect his future Mr. kinsman redeemer would remain forever nameless.

Boaz had an open heart for the poor. We saw earlier, in his generous behavior to Ruth when she was just another unknown poor person gleaning in his field. There was nothing calculating about his generosity to her then – just the grace of a generous and cheerful giver. Likewise, Boaz was not marrying Ruth now for what he could get out the deal. In terms of the financial and social equations, it was always likely to be a losing prospect for him to marry a Moabitess. Entering a relationship so that she could have a som to inherit the property he had just put out good money to buy could never make good fiscal sense. But then, the Lord’s wisdom operates on a different kind of calculus from the wisdom of the world.

Boaz made it clear that the transaction was not about him and his own interests but the interests of others – that is, meeting the needs of Ruth and Naomi and preserving the remembrance of their dead husbands. This was not normally the way to win a name for one’s self, perhaps, but in God’s sight Boaz knew he would always have a name. God’s favor was more important to him than acquiring a name in the world. Even though Boaz wasn’t motivated by the praise of others, he nonetheless received the respect and the blessing of the elders at the gate (vv. 11-12).

Through Ruth, Boaz would indeed become famous and have his name remembered in Bethlehem. Although for ten years Ruth had been unable to bear a son for Mahlon, through the Lord’s intervention she conceived and bore a son for Boaz (v. 13). Notice what this Scripture says: “The Lord gave her conception.” This is only the second time in the Book of Ruth that the Lord has been in the foreground of the action as the subject of a verb – the other time being the equally significant statement in 1:6 that the Lord has acted to bring redemption to His people.

Nor was this son simply for Boaz. He would be a comfort also for Naomi in her old age, her kinsman redeemer who would provide for her needs in her declining years (vv. 14-15). The story closes with a touching domestic scene (vv. 16-17). The grandson on Naomi’s lap was a clear sign that the emptiness she felt at the end of the opening chapter had now been replaced by fullness through God’s grace. Though no one could bring back her husband or sons, now she had a daughter-in-law whom everyone recognized as “more…than seven sons,” an astonishing accolade in the ancient world. What is more, she had a descendant to carry on the family line.

In the genealogy with which the Book of Ruth closes, we discover that God has been pursuing bigger plans than bringing together two worthy individuals. What looked like a simple story of personal emptiness filled and personal needs met turns out to be God’s way of meeting a far greater need. The story that opened with the statement “In the days when judges ruled” (Ruth 1:1) closes with the genealogy of Israel’s most famous king (Ruth 4:18-22). This genealogy links the events of the story with the line that would build the house of Israel more than any family since the time of Jacob, the line of David. God used all of these events to bring about His own goals that were so much bigger than any of the characters involved in the story could possibly have imagined. The elders’ blessing that sought lasting renown for Boaz was remarkably fulfilled long after his death, with the birth of King David.

Ruth 4:1-22 Study Questions:

The closer kinsman with whom Boaz interacts at the gate of the town is never named (v. 1). Why might this be? What is the narrator seeking to communicate to us about this man – and about Boaz?

Why might the unnamed kinsman of Naomi have rejected his role as “redeemer” after learning about Ruth? What seems to be his motivation, given his conversation with Boaz? How is Boaz strikingly different from him?

What do you observe about Boaz’s speech that summarizes his commitment to Naomi’s family and to Ruth (vv. 9-10)? What is he most concerned about? How do the elders of the town respond to his actions and words (vv. 11-12)?

For only the second time in the Book of Ruth, the narrator describes God acting directly, saying that He gave a son to Ruth (v. 13). Why is this so significant? How is this a picture of God’s surprising redemption?

The final verses of the Book of Ruth show us the larger perspective – this is not a “random” story, but one that is integrally connected to God’s plan to one day provide a great king for His people (vv. 18-22). What do we learn about the sovereignty and providence of God through this conclusion? How is Ruth’s story – and her ethnicity – significant for helping us to understand God’s redemptive plan for His people?

What are some ways in which the entire story of Ruth displays the gospel of Jesus Christ? Describe and explain the several themes throughout this narrative that teach us about God’s grace, His redemption, His mercy toward sinners, and His concern for the poor.

Hundreds of years after Ruth lived and died, Matthew includes her as one of just five women who are mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus Christ, which begins his gospel. Look at Matthew 1:1-17. Who are the other women mentioned in Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus Christ? What might he be wanting his readers to notice about God’s plan?

Boaz’s redemption of Ruth points us forward to a far greater Redeemer. What aspects of the gospel are foreshadowed in the actions, redemption, and grace of Boaz for Ruth and Naomi (see Rom. 3:21-26)?

Ruth 3:1-18 Ruth’s Redeemer

While Ruth went out to glean, Naomi stayed at home. Yet now she is starting to think of someone else’s needs rather than her own. What seems to have happened is that over the course of these chapters, as she experienced God’s goodness and continued faithfulness to her, her heart began to soften. Through the hard work of Ruth and the generosity of Boaz, she found new hope. Perhaps she even began to see that she had been too quick to blame God, and perhaps she began to recognize her failure to take responsibility and to repent of it. Repentance inevitably draws our attention away from ourselves and out toward others. Bitterness drives us inward in self-absorbed depression, while true repentance enables us and motivates us to start to serve other people’s needs.

Ruth needed a husband and a home of her own. This was not exactly a new observation: it was, after all, the reason why Naomi had told Ruth to go home in chapter 1, back to a place where she might be more likely to find such a place of rest with a husband of her own. She told Ruth that this was still what she wanted (v. 1). But who in Bethlehem would provide a place of rest for an outsider, especially a foreigner like Ruth? Taking a Moabite wife would probably have been at least socially awkward, if not worse. A man might end up as a social outcast, spurned by decent society. Who would be willing to undertake such a risk? Naomi thought she knew the answer (v. 2).

The reference to Boaz as “a close relative of ours, one of our redeemers” in the previous chapter (2:20) may already have started Naomi’s mind moving in the direction of Boaz’s marriage potential as a solution to all of their problems. It was now close to the end of the wheat harvest, six to eight weeks after the first encounter between Ruth and Boaz, and there seemed to be little progress in their relationship. However, Naomi had an idea how to jumpstart things (vv. 3:3-4). Ruth was ready to act (vv. 5-6), and later that night, she found herself alone watching events at the threshing floor (v. 7).

The party was over, and it had been a good evening. After a long day of work, and a long night of feasting, Boaz must have been feeling very good about life. So, he went and lay down at the end of the grain pile and fell fast asleep. In the middle of the night, though, something disturbed him – perhaps the cold air on his now exposed lower extremities. He rolled over, reaching for his blanket, and discovered to his amazement a woman there (v. 8). “Who are you?” was a natural question for Boaz to ask. Ruth responded, “I am Ruth, your servant. Spread your wings over your servant, for you are a redeemer” (v. 9).

Here is where Ruth’s actions diverged from Naomi’s instructions. Instead of leaving the situation dangerously ambiguous, as a woman of character, Ruth wanted to make her intentions clear right from the outset. Her goal was a commitment to marriage, not a single night of passion. In the ancient world, such a commitment was symbolized by the gesture of covering someone with the corner of one’s robe, roughly equivalent to the giving of an engagement ring in our culture. Ruth wanted Boaz to marry her and thus to provide a refuge for her and Naomi, just as a kinsman redeemer would.

Ruth’s words left a great deal to be desired. Naomi’s more open-ended scheme had a variety of possible outcomes that might each have reached the same goal, through more or less morally acceptable pathways. But Ruth knew that her future didn’t ultimately depend on her ability to formulate a cunning plan and execute it. God was overruling all things for good and, amazingly enough, Boaz agreed to her audacious request. His first words to her – “my daughter” – show that he was aware of the situation. Boaz was willing to pay the social and financial costs of welcoming this despised outsider into his family. Indeed, Boaz complimented Ruth on having chosen him rather than going after a younger man (v. 10).

It is noteworthy that Proverbs 31, which in the ordering of the Hebrew Bible comes right before Ruth, describes a woman of character whose “works praise her in the gates” (Prov. 31:31). Using similar language, Boaz says, “And now, my daughter, do not fear. I will do for you all that you ask, for all my fellow townsmen know that you are a worthy woman” (Ruth 3:11). More literally, Boaz says, “all the gate of my people knows that you are a woman of worth.” The idiom is usually lost in translation, but what we see in Ruth is precisely a “Proverbs 31” woman in the flesh: her deeds have indeed been praised in the city gates!

At this point in the story a complication arose. Although Boaz was a close relative of Naomi’s, apparently there was another redeemer who was even closer; as Boaz explained to Ruth (vv. 12-13). By rights, this other redeemer had a better claim to perform this service for Naomi and her family. This must have been a bitter blow to Ruth, who at this point was surely feeling that things had been progressing rather well. In the morning, Boaz would approach the man and sound him out. If the other man wanted to redeem her, then well and good. But if he were not absolutely delighted to undertake this service, then Boaz swore that he would do it himself. One way or another, Naomi and Ruth would certainly be taken care of.

In the morning, before it was light enough for her reputation to be unfairly tarnished, Boaz sent Ruth away, but not before giving her a gift of six measures of barley (which is 80 pounds of barley!). Chapter 3 ends much the way that chapter 2 ended, with Ruth returning home to share with Naomi news of her adventures (vv. 16-18). The growing realization of Ruth’s value is underlined by Boaz’s generous gift.

Boaz sends Ruth back with a large bundle of seed so that she will not go back to Naomi “empty,” the same word that Naomi used to describe herself back in chapter 1. She came back to Bethlehem “empty,” but the Lord is fulfilling all of her needs through Ruth and Boaz. The Lord provided for her hunger, and a place of rest for the weary. Would the Lord now withhold from her the one other thing she lacked, descendants? Certainly not! In light of that, Boaz’s earlier response (“There is a redeemer nearer than I”) takes on a whole new significance. All through the story there has been a Redeemer closer than Boaz, a Redeemer for Naomi and Ruth who has hovered in the shadows of the narrative, behind all the human agents, reaching out to His beloved but wandering sheep and showing them grace upon grace.

Ruth 3 compels each of us to ask this question: “What am I willing to risk, and for what?” People willingly face all kinds of perils in life, both small and great. For the sake of having fun, or receiving a promotion, or having a family, people are willing to put up with all kinds of discomforts and potential costs. What are we willing to risk, though, for the sake of the gospel?

For most of us, the true answer is probably, “Not very much.” We’re not willing to risk our lives or our health, our reputations or our comfort, our friends or our families for the sake of the gospel. The most obvious proof of our aversion to spiritual risk lies in our unwillingness to talk to others about God. Never mind putting our reputations at risk at midnight during the barley harvest, we wouldn’t even risk being thought odd by our friends over coffee because we talk to them about Jesus. We all have our excuses. What have they done for us, to deserve our taking that kind of risk for them?

Yet what if Ruth had said the same thing? Her actions certainly could have cost her reputation or much worse. Did Naomi deserve to have Ruth go out on this limb for her? Certainly not. But Ruth had made a commitment to Naomi in spite of her earlier coldness and her lack of responsiveness. Did Naomi deserve Boaz’s willingness to accept the social and financial cost of welcoming outsiders into his home? Certainly not. If there was any self-interest that made the deal attractive to Boaz, it was the character of Ruth, not that of Naomi. Naomi was among the undeserving, but because Ruth and Boaz treated her with grace, she came to know the joy of God’s salvation. Who are the people that we can reach for Christ, if only we will take a personal risk with the gospel?

Ruth 3:1-18 Study Questions:

What does Naomi hope will be the result of her plan and instructions for Ruth (vv. 1-5)? What is she counting on, with regard to the character and integrity of Boaz? What risks are involved for Ruth as she follows Naomi’s instructions?

What do you notice about Ruth’s statement to Boaz in verse 9? Had Naomi instructed her to be this direct? What might Ruth be seeking to avoid, in terms of Boaz’s understanding of her intentions?

How does Boaz’s response to Ruth continue to reveal to us his character (v. 10)? What kindness does Boaz refer to here? What does he promise to do for Ruth in response to her intentional appeal?

According to Boaz’s words, does he himself have any legal obligation to marry Ruth and become her kinsman-redeemer? Why does this make his kindness and generosity even more noteworthy? How does this again point to the Christlike qualities of Boaz and remind us of the generous grace of our Redeemer?

As the chapter concludes, Ruth returns to Naomi with a large bundle of barley as they wait together for Boaz to take action. Describe the transformation that has occurred in Naomi and Ruth’s situation. What has changed? How has God proved to be faithful?

Ruth 2:1-23 A Refuge from the Storm

Have you ever hit rock bottom? Sometimes we feel as if we are not simply scraping the bottom of the barrel but have already taken the barrel, held it upside down, shaken it, and discovered that there is absolutely nothing left in it. Further scraping would be a fruitless task, because there is nothing left to scrape. That is where Naomi and Ruth found themselves in the beginning of Ruth 2. From her state of fulness at the beginning of the book, where Naomi had a husband and two sons to support her and take care of her, Naomi had been reduced to a state of emptiness with no one around her to help her. The only one left was her pesky Moabitess daughter-in-law, Ruth, and she wasn’t too sure whether Ruth was more of an asset or an embarrassment.

So, this odd couple returned to Bethlehem. But in the midst of the darkness at the very end of Ruth 1, there was a tiny sliver of light; they arrived in Bethlehem “at the beginning of barley harvest.” In this little notice, the narrator hints that Naomi isn’t reading events correctly. Naomi has been seeing her situation go from fullness to emptiness in her own life, however, the movement for her people back home in Bethlehem had been the opposite. They had gone from famine as the story opened, to the brink of a new harvest in the Promised Land. There was food once again in Bethlehem. God’s hand of judgment had been lifted from His people.

Naomi’s problem is like the struggle many of us experience. In the dark night of our souls, we imagine and worry about the worst possible scenario. We persuade ourselves that God has abandoned us and that we have no prospects. God doesn’t promise to give us the grace to survive all the scenarios we can dream up – but only to give us the grace to enable us to make it through whatever He actually brings into our lives. In fact, much of what we worry about turns out in the end not to be part of God’s plan for us after all; our worry was wasted work! Of course, Jesus told us this Himself when He said, “Which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?” (Matt. 6:27).

In the meantime, though, there was the pressing issue for Ruth and Naomi of what to eat; and there was a likely solution (Ruth 2:1-2). Provision was made in the law of Moses to take care of the poor through a kind of “Welfare to Work” program. The poor were not simply to depend on handouts from the state. Rather, they were allowed to glean in the fields after the harvesters and around the edges, picking up scraps that were left behind.

Gleaning was hard work; it was hot work; it was not necessarily safe work either, since not every landowner would fulfill the provisions of the law. It was perhaps especially dangerous for a foreign woman, a Moabitess, who had no clan connections to protest her or to call on in distress. So, when Ruth volunteered to go out and glean to provide food for the two of them, she was making herself vulnerable not just for her own sake but for Naomi’s too (v. 2). She was stepping out in faith that somewhere out there was a generous, God-fearing landowner who would make room for the poor. Faith doesn’t simply sit around waiting for provision to drop down from heaven; we are called to do what we can, and as we do, to trust that God will provide for our needs.

As it turned out, there was a God-fearing landowner in Bethlehem who cared for the poor: a man named Boaz, who was a distant relative of Naomi’s. Ruth had no obvious reason to pick one field over the next, but she ended up in Boaz’s field (v. 3). The narrator is inviting us to see, there was no such thing as luck driving this chain of events. This was all part of a higher plan. It was nothing less than a divine appointment that brought Ruth to the fields of Boaz. Ruth trusted in the Lord; He directed her steps unwittingly to exactly the right location (Prov. 16:9).

In due course, the divine appointment-maker also brought Boaz to his fields to see how the harvest was progressing (vv. 4-7). As Boas looked out over the scene before him, something struck him. Among the gleaning poor was an unfamiliar figure. He therefore asked “Whose is she?” – not “Who is she?” as if he expected a name, but “Whom does she belong to? Where does she fit in society?” (v. 5). The foreman replied, in effect, “Oh she’s that foreigner who came back from Moab with Naomi – you know the one. She’s an outsider; she doesn’t really belong anywhere. But I can tell you, she worked like a dog in this hot sun all day.”

Boaz indeed knew the one of whom the foreman spoke. He had heard all about Ruth abandoning her people and her land for Naomi’s sake, and now he found her hard at work in his field for the sake of her mother-in-law. In spite of the difference between their social standings, Boaz spoke to her as a person (“my daughter”) and he made her a generous offer (vv. 9-12).

Can you imagine the impact these words must have had on Ruth, the outsider? These were the first kind words she had heard since she left Moab. More than that, they were a blessing that sought God’s favor upon her, as if she too were a member of the covenant community. No wonder Ruth was comforted, then, by Boaz’s generosity. She said, “I have found favor in your eyes, my lord, for you have comforted me and spoken kingly to your servant, though I am not one of your servants” (v. 13). Ruth, the outsider, had been made to feel welcome to come in.

Boaz’s kindness was not limited to mere words, however. Rather than leave her at a distance at the mealtime, as she would have expected, he invited her to draw near (v. 14). Though Ruth had probably brought little or nothing to eat, Boaz provided her a share of his own food: special treats of bread dipped in sour wine and roasted grain so that, for once she had enough to eat. Boaz even commanded his men to be deliberately careless in their harvesting, so that this poor widow would have an abundance to carry home with her (vv. 15-19).

No wonder Naomi was astonished at what Ruth had gathered; somewhere between twenty-nine and fifty pounds of grain, or several weeks’ worth of food for the average worker. When Ruth returned home, there was plenty to eat, and also plenty to talk about (vv. 19-23). All of a sudden, faced with the mound of food that Ruth had brought home, the practical evidence of God’s goodness to her, Naomi’s attitude began to change.

First, Naomi’s heart began to soften toward God (v. 20). Suddenly, Naomi was beginning to see that the Lord wasn’t out to get her. In fact, He was still able and willing to smile upon her, to show her covenant faithfulness, in spite of her history of sin and rebellion. Ruth’s one-day outing, in which she went out empty and came back full because the Lord went ahead of her, persuaded Naomi that perhaps she had been too quick with her bitterness. The Lord was able and willing to provide for their physical needs after all. She began to recognize that, contrary to what she had earlier thought, the Lord had not stopped showing His covenant faithfulness to her and Ruth.

There is even a hint of repentance in Naomi’s strong urging of Ruth to heed Boaz’s counsel to stay from now on in his fields, rather than going into the fields of another, lest she come to any harm (v. 22). Now Naomi could see how foolish the decision was to move to the fields of Moab in search of greener grass had been. She was thus warning Ruth not to repeat her own pattern of sin: “Stay in the fields of the one upon whom the Lord’s blessing rests. Don’t go wandering off as I did!”

But food was only one of the things that Ruth lacked. She had not simply given up her best prospect of physical sustenance by going with Naomi, she had also – to all human appearances – given up the prospect of marriage and a home of her own. Even though she now had food, she still needed a husband, a lack that is emphasized by the closing statement of the chapter (v. 23). However, If God has faithfully provided so abundantly for Ruth’s need of food, will He not also supply her needs in this other area?

The apostle Paul says, “My God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:19). Sometimes it doesn’t seem that way, though, does it? Sometimes it may seem as if God has turned His face away from us and closed His ears to our prayers. It may even seem that He has stopped showing us His faithfulness after all. Yet the Book of Ruth is a glorious testimony to Paul’s statement: God will meet all our needs. In her grief and confusion, Naomi had misunderstood God and misjudged Ruth. She had failed to see that the Lord is the God who welcomes the outsider. She had forgotten that He is the shepherd who does not stop showing His covenant faithfulness to the wandering sheep. She didn’t remember that He is the Father who waits with open arms to welcome back the prodigal daughter. God’s faithfulness never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning (Lam. 3:22), and will accompany us every step along the hard road of life, until our faithful God welcomes us into our heavenly home.

Ruth 2:1-23 Study Questions:

How does Ruth take initiative as this chapter begins (vv. 1-2)? What does Naomi’s response tell us about her demeanor perhaps changing toward Ruth?

The narrator’s literal words, in Hebrew, tell us that Ruth came to Boaz’s field “as if by chance” (v. 3). How should we understand this “coincidence” in light of the sovereign plan of God?

What do Boaz’s first words in the narrative tell us about his character (v. 4)? How does Boaz’s initial conversation with Ruth further develop and reveal his character and integrity (vv. 8-12?

What has Boaz obviously heard about Ruth already? What special commands does he give to his men concerning her (vv. 15-16)?

How does Naomi respond to Ruth’s day of gleaning (v. 18)? What instructions does she give to Ruth when Boas’s identity is revealed to her (vv. 19-22)? What hints are we getting as to Naomi’s softening heart? What does she say about God? What are we learning about God through His goodness and grace in this chapter?

Ruth 1:6-22 Grace at the Bottom of the Barrel

There are moments in life when God’s pursuit of us seems like that of a persistent mosquito, constantly buzzing around our heads and causing pain, and we are utterly powerless to shake him off. Certainly, Naomi was thinking of God in those terms in the second half of Ruth 1. Having departed from the Promised Land with a husband and two sons to go to the greener fields of Moab, she had been left utterly bereft of support by their death. Moab was no longer a viable place for her to live; she had no choice but to return home. There was food at last in Bethlehem, and perhaps she too, widow that she was, might yet be able to eke out the rest of her miserable existence there.

But what should Naomi do about her two Moabite daughters-in-law, Orpah and Ruth? At first, they all set out to go back to Judah together. But was the choice Naomi was making, to go home to Bethlehem, the right choice for them as well? This was the dilemma Naomi faced on the road out of Moab (vv. 6-13). While Bethlehem had once been Naomi’s home, it was never theirs. Her people were not their people. And if Orpah and Ruth came with her, it would mean two more mouths to feed on a fixed and limited budget, two more bodies to clothe and house, all the while dependent on the charity of family members.

What made it far worse for Naomi to contemplate, though, was the fact that these two were foreigners who would hardly be welcome in polite society in Bethlehem. Orpah made the sensible choice and went back home (v. 14). Orpah looked her situation in life clearly in the face and made the necessary decisions by using exactly the same logic that Naomi had followed earlier: the fields of Moab looked far greener than the land of Israel. With that simple, sensible choice she marched off, out of the pages of the Bible.

Then there was Ruth. Ruth was a nobody, an outsider, a Moabite of all things. There was nothing kosher about Ruth. Conventional wisdom shouted for Ruth to follow the way of Orpah, the most likely way of worldly security and significance. But Ruth was not Orpah and there was nothing conventional about her. She would not let Naomi go on alone to her empty future. Ruth was glued to her mother-in-law, and nothing and no one could send her away (v. 15). But in a crescendo of commitment, Ruth poured out her heart to Naomi (vv. 16-17). Here is an astonishing act of surrender and self-sacrifice. Ruth was laying down her entire life to serve Naomi.

In response, Naomi said nothing (v. 18). Isn’t Naomi’s silence an astonishing response to her daughter-in-law’s words? Ruth’s words were far from welcome words for Naomi in her state of bitterness. She had nothing to say to this unwanted outpouring. For confirmation that this was indeed her line of thinking, consider what she said when she and Ruth finally reached Bethlehem, and the townswomen gathered around her (vv. 19-21).

As she returned to Bethlehem Naomi summed up her experience while she had been away. “Don’t call me Naomi (“Pleasant”) anymore,” she said. “Instead, call me Mara (“Bitter”). I went away full, but the Lord has brought me back empty. I left here with everything; now I’m left with absolutely nothing.” But if Naomi evaluates her present situation on her return to Bethlehem as having absolutely nothing, what does that make Ruth? Less than nothing?

Naomi may have been returning to the Lord’s land in body, but she was not exactly returning to the Lord with a broken spirit and a contrite heart. Mara, “Bitter,” was exactly the right name for Naomi now. It was a name with a history, a history of God’s people rebelling at His perceived lack of provision for their needs. It was at Marah in the wilderness on the way out of Egypt that the children of Israel grumbled against the Lord because they couldn’t drink the water (Ex. 15:23-24).

Like her ancestors, Naomi’s heart was angry with God for the way her life was turning out. She was experiencing the pain of life in the desert and felt that the judgment that had befallen her were all God’s fault. The Lord had “testified against” her (v. 21); that is, He had called her to account. Her losses were attributable directly to the Almighty’s acts of judgment against her. In response, her heart had grown hard and bitter toward Him, both recognizing and at the same time resenting His power in her life. At this point, there was no whisper of acknowledgment in her heart of her own responsibility in choosing the path of disobedience that had led her away from the Promised Land in the first place.

Naomi was simply resentful that the greener pastures of Moab, outside the land of promise, had actually turned into a desert in her experience. The prodigal daughter may now have been back home in her Father’s land physically, but she was back only because she didn’t see any prospect of continued survival among the pigs in the far country. Her body may have made the journey home, but her spirit was still far from restored.

So, what does this passage say to us? In the first place, it addresses us as people who are just like Orpah and Ruth. Like Orpah and Ruth, there was nothing kosher about us when we were born. On the contrary, we were outsiders to the gospel, outsiders to grace, by nature objects of God’s wrath, even if we grew up in a Christian home. By nature, we were dead in our transgressions and sins, as Paul puts it (Eph. 2:1). We all need a new birth – to be born of the Spirit, as Jesus told Nicodemus – in order to enter the kingdom of God (John 3:5).

Like Orpah and Ruth, as natural-born outsiders, we cannot simply slide into the kingdom. We are all faced with a crucial choice at some point in our lives, a dividing of the ways. We can continue to seek our security and significance in the world’s way, as Orpah did. We can seek to find meaning and value in our career, our family, our health, or our wealth. Or, alternatively, we can choose the way of Ruth; choosing the gospel way to true life. It is a daunting path that can be taken only by faith, by throwing oneself on the mercy and favor of Israel’s God. As outsiders, we have nothing to offer Him except our emptiness.

Ruth embraced that emptiness, and trusted that Naomi’s God would be her God also. This road necessarily passes through the way of the cross, the way of dying to self and to our own interests. In one sense, the gospel road is the easiest path in the world, for we bring to it nothing except our own need. In another sense, though, it is the hardest path, for the cross is a continual stumbling block to anyone who wants to bring anything to contribute to one’s own salvation. The way of the cross means constantly dying to self-interest, putting the needs and desires of others first, whether or not their response is one of gratitude and thanks. It means pouring out our lives for others, even in the face of their bitterness of spirit.

If Naomi in her self-pitying myopia failed to look back to God’s grace in the exodus as the source of her hope, what about us as we face our own trials? What do we need to remember? The gospel is the fundamental answer to Naomi’s need and to our own. Tremendous asset that she will prove to be, Ruth is not the final answer to Naomi’s needs. Ruth is simply a pointer to the gospel, a small symbol of God’s grace that pointed Naomi to the great symbols of God’s grace. The gospel is the fundamental answer, both for our lack of trust in God and for our lack of concern for the nations.

Ruth 1:6-22 Study Questions:

Why does Naomi so forcefully oppose the idea of Ruth and Orpah returning with her to Bethlehem (vv. 6-13)? What other difficulties might they face in the land of Israel, given their Moabite ethnicity?

What do you notice about Ruth’s impassioned speech to Naomi? What commitments does she make? What does she affirm? Is there evidence, in her words, of genuine faith in God? What is surprising about Naomi’s response to Ruth?

As the chapter ends, why might the narrator have included the detail about the beginning of the “barley harvest” (v. 22)? How is this a hint that God is not yet finished with Naomi? How is this detail a reminder of God’s grace to His people – both then and now?