The Prayer Tree

Prayer is a vital Seed of Faith in the ministry of our church. We would love to pray for you. Please submit your prayer request so we can pray for you or someone you know

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Submit Your Prayer Request

Please pray for these request and let them know you are praying for them, Click on Details to view the entire Prayer Request. God Bless You

Request Title# PrayersSubmitted On 
Please help with prayers 0July 21, 2024Details
Healing of sickness2July 1, 2024Details
Favor from God 2June 18, 2024Details
Favor from God 2June 18, 2024Details
prayer3June 13, 2024Details
welcome3June 13, 2024Details
Healing 3June 5, 2024Details
Healing 3June 5, 2024Details
Healing 3June 5, 2024Details
God's vengeance 3June 5, 2024Details
Conversion/ Healing3June 5, 2024Details
healing3June 2, 2024Details
deliverance3May 12, 2024Details
Prayer request for salvation3May 10, 2024Details
Health and salvation 3May 9, 2024Details
Forgiveness3May 2, 2024Details
Save Ron3April 25, 2024Details
Deliverance 3April 20, 2024Details
Prayer to Save Marriage and Reunite Family3April 10, 2024Details
Marriage 3April 9, 2024Details
Healing 3April 5, 2024Details
Healing 3April 2, 2024Details

Please help with prayers

Theresa W
The Lord wants me to ask you for your help. I'll need people to pray for me for awhile at this rate. I hate to ask but it is urgent. Please find some people to pray for me daily. I need a bunch of miracles. Please agree with me for my miracles and deliverance from evil in Jesus name amen. PLEASE HELP WITH MY NEED AND SHARE WITH OTHER CHURCHES IN YOUR AREA AND ANY MISSIONARIES YOU KNOW. I was Holy Spirit led to you to ask you to pray everyday and share with others and ministries. Please help this way. Anytime I come to mind please pray in the Holy Ghost's leading. I have to be able to use my eyes and voice normally as God wills so I can work and serve Him as He wills. Please pray for me day and night that God binds everything that is coming at my eyes and vocal chords and body and rebukes and destroys it in Jesus name amen and amen. Pray for ALL my needs and for all day and night protections that they are ALL taken care of by GOD in every way in Jesus name amen. For Theresa W

Healing of sickness

Samuel Lee
Please pray for a miracle healing of my incurable sickness, which I have been suffering for years. It also hinders me from getting married. Thank You

Favor from God

Need new ,better car..God bless me with better car now...GOD send me help I need..Move to a better home ,better neighborhood better friendly neighborhood,,

Favor from God

Need new ,better car..God bless me with better car now...


Bless Anonymous
Pray for mercy, complete healing, freedom from despair, sickness, frustration and disappointment, and that God lift me up and provide a good and godly husband for me. Pray for God's mercy and that my suffering and misery would end.


Dear beloved servant of God ! Much Christian Greetings to you in the name of our lord Jesus Christ our savior and redeemer. How are you, your family & the Lord's Brethren there? Here we're doing fine by our only caring and Saving Mighty Lord Jesus Christ. Am pleased to inform you that I have visited your Lord's web site and seen the wonderful teachings and the Holy work God has given you to fulfill for His Kingdom purposes Glory and blessings! We are a group of young independent Christian Fellowship without a good foundation, who gather together for fellowship to praise and worship God. Am writing you from Kenya (Africa) our Fellowship aim is to spread the true and pure Gospel of Jesus Christ to the needy, poor in faith as well as to reach the unreachable souls who're many to come nearer to our Saving Lord Jesus Christ. Since we do need to have ways of reaching people with the true Holy word, we humbly pray to be blessed with enough resources which are printed teaching materials for our Spiritual growth to make the work of God expand and reach the many people who have not been reached by the Gospel , It is my humble prayer request that you may give us moral support of both physical and spiritual to enable us reach and restore our dear sisters and brothers who have not been reached by these good news. We need you to be our spiritual parent. Humbly and Kindly if our almighty living God would allow you and open your hearts, we are attached in this work you are doing in the lord for building God's bridge to enter the Kingdom, to unite one spirit with you and further the Kingdom. Praying to ,hear from you in Jesus Holy name we trust.. Much thanks! Yours in His Holy service, Brother Adrian & Sister Debborah


Andrew Pick
Prayer for Andrew Pick To lose weight and get to healthy weight and keep it off for good in Jesus name amen also please pray for healing for my voice God to restore it back to normal and God to increase my energy levels so I have more energy in my days and protection from negative thoughts and emotions thank you Jesus also please pray God to bless my jujitsu and give me strength to return to class for my exercise praise God thank you Jesus and God to draw close to me and feel God's presence and increase faith and protection


Nicole Carter
Prayer for God to help me get rid of stomac fat in my stomach becomes flater in Jesus name amen thank you Jesus for weight loss due to depression


Nicole Carter
Healing for bells palsy and stress

God's vengeance

Andrew and Nicole Pick
Protection from our enemies God to judge our enemies and God to keep our enemies away from us

Conversion/ Healing

For the conversion of Muhammad, Mrs. Abida and their entire family. May God free them from the chains of tradition, pride, hypocrisy and lies. That Jesus Christ reveals Himself to them, shows them the Truth and the Truth sets them free. That God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit transforms their hearts and their lives. For the conversion of Amir, Yubaraj, Vedant, Summaya, Stefania, Nicolle, Tiago, André and their families. For the conversion of Sandeep's family and intensification of his faith. For Miriam, Maurício, Melissa and Mariana, so that they accept Christ and allow themselves to be transformed by the Holy Spirit. For the conversion of all who, through the chains of lies, presumption, pride, self-indulgence and lies, reject Christ. For the physical and spiritual healing of Ruth’s mother, Janaína, my godmother and all those in need. For the people of Holy Land finally let their hearts be changed by God Father, Son and Holy Spirit. For the end of arranged marriages around the world, for marriage to stop being a perpetual business, where Love is rejected from the beginning. For India to become a Christian nation. Thanks!


Please pray for me to be healed from this anxiety disorder. Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!


Sir good morning iam Daniel Chandra from Fiji Islands. Please request for a prayer for me, my son Akshat and daughter Akiriti. Request prayers to breaking soul ties/ancestral spirits. I did my prayers and i had a dream in the morning related to my home, and birth place. In the dream, i was at my own birth home with my sisters and brothers. Their I saw my elder brothers physical body but it was without head, so I asked my sister where has his head gone, and my brother my was moving around home without a head then my sister told that someone has chopped it. Then appeared my deceased mum PUSPHA WATI with a knife attacking me and I locked the room from inside. Before I locked myself inside my room, my mum said yeh, there has to be sacrifice to be made to gods. Before we used to pray to hindu gods but now iam a born again Christian. We are a family of 7, 3 sisters and 3 bothers. Iam the 7th in my family and youngest. My another elder sister is born again Christian. the remaining are still praying to same hindu gods where we used to pray. My deceased fathers name was SHYAM SUNDAR and his fathers name was RAM AUTHAR. During our young days. At least once in year every year, he became mentally ill. He once committed suicide. Then my elder sister who was very rich committed suicide by burning herself. Her daughter. after her divorce committed suicide. Our family is one that had most premature deaths and most divorces amongst brothers and sisters including me. Years before when we were young , we heard our generation used to sacrifice certain things like alcohol and pig meat, to same hindu gods which we prayed. Which generation was directly involved, that I don’t know. These demons that wanted to kill me but I escaped. are part of my ancestors, and these demonic attacks I go through are part of all the above making. Even I sense, that remaining sisters and brothers who are still praying to the same hindu gods and their children including my children are not safe for future generation because we were born from the above generation. That’s why these demons who attack me don’t want to hear lord jesus name and they swear at his name , I sense that these demonic attacks are from my ancestors, and may have fallen short of glory, please pray for me to cancel these ancestral spirits against me because iam a born again baptised Christian who has accepted Jesus as our lord and saviour and for protection for my children specially Akshat Eleen Anubhav Chand and daughter Akiriti Ashyeen Ahana Chand since iam divorced my children stay with their mum, and my divorced wife also prays to Hindu gods, please request if it can be looked breaking my soul ties from my father Shyam sunder house and mother Pushpa wait house, I thing this evil spirits are from Hindu idols where some form blood sacrifice has been done through animals that we are not doing at moment, these can be generational spirits/ancestral spiritsand since they stay with their mum, they also follow their mums ways, so protection for them, thank you.

Prayer request for salvation

Brigitta Immaculata
My name is Brigitta Immaculata, please pray for the salvation of my soul, so that I may receive Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and receive eternal life. Please ask forgiveness for my atheism, for doubting Jesus as God and the existence of eternal life after death, and the immortality of the soul. Please ask the same graces for my family and loved ones. Thank you very much.

Health and salvation

Please pray that Carol doesn't have cancer or anything bad and for her healing. Also for her and her families full salvation


Tan Popatas
I confess all the wrongs and bad things I did, say, think to him or her and all my nemesises. I need forgiveness from every single one of them

Save Ron

Jenny Tressler
May the Lord bridge the rift between me and Ron and heal any negative or fearful/uncomfortable feelings that may be keeping us from contact and reconciliation. May he prompt Ron to seek contact, as Your image bearer. Altogether, may He work in this relationship and in each of us. In Christ, Amen.


Jonathan C
For healing and deliverance

Prayer to Save Marriage and Reunite Family

1.) Please pray that God softens my husband's heart, brings him home and reunites our family. 2.) Please pray that God removes the influence of my mother in law from my marriage. She does not respect marriage and promotes separation. 3.) That the Guardian Ad Litem sees the truth about my husband's parenting abilities


Sally Gutierrez Beltran
Please pray husband Felix salvation marriage deliverance from alcohol drugs gambling LORD restore my marriage remove his stoney heart he'd not neglect the marriage thank you


Pray for me. Dear Jesus, can I have godly knowledge? Can I have more deep peace? Can I have more deep sleep? Can you deliver me from instability in my life and make me more stable? I need emotional stability and mental stability. Can you heal more mind from soul rape? Can you set me free? The enemy raped my soul in my minds eye. Can you recover my personhood from soul rape? Cordelia Vogel needs mental stability too and freedom. Can you make me whole in Christ? I had a near death experience. Help me please. Can you heal my old dog Seraphina from wounds? Amen. JESUS IS A GREAT TEACHER.


I have a prayer request Dear Jesus, please pray for Viola Cleo Bradshaw to be set free from Satan. Save me from Hell dark forces and wish for my mind to be healed. Heal my dog Seraphina from the spirit of death. Deliver her mind from death. She can be saved. Shes in a coma. Free my soul from spiritual abduction and soul rape. Deliver me from the enemy of Lisa Quann. I wish to change the past. Pray my past can be changed for Seraphina to live Can I have deep sleep and deep peace? I need more deep sleep. Deliver me from the spirit of death. Deliver Seraphina my dog from the spirit of death and New York City. It is a city spirit that hurts her. She's in crap. Remove the crap from her Heal me from racism. Stop human trafficking of my self. amen .Jesus is a great teacher.
Thank you for lifting up this request in prayer.