The Prayer Tree
Prayer is a vital Seed of Faith in the ministry of our church. We would love to pray for you. Please submit your prayer request so we can pray for you or someone you know
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Submit Your Prayer Request
Please pray for these request and let them know you are praying for them, Click on Details to view the entire Prayer Request. God Bless You
Request Title | # Prayers | Submitted On | |
Housing | 0 | February 12, 2025 | Details |
Life & Soul Deliverance | 0 | February 9, 2025 | Details |
Freedom | 2 | January 28, 2025 | Details |
Recovery | 2 | January 27, 2025 | Details |
Deliverance from the devil forever | 2 | January 21, 2025 | Details |
Need your prayers | 2 | January 20, 2025 | Details |
Ron's Salvation | 2 | January 16, 2025 | Details |
Trials | 2 | January 14, 2025 | Details |
Tina and Famly Saved | 2 | January 14, 2025 | Details |
Spiritual Prayer Request | 2 | January 8, 2025 | Details |
Healing | 2 | January 6, 2025 | Details |
Astral projections familiar spirits | 2 | December 30, 2024 | Details |
shelter | 2 | December 22, 2024 | Details |
Prayer Needed | 2 | December 18, 2024 | Details |
Deliverance | 2 | December 17, 2024 | Details |
Freedom | 2 | December 13, 2024 | Details |
Deliverance and restoration in marriage | 2 | December 9, 2024 | Details |
Healing | 2 | December 7, 2024 | Details |
Healing | 2 | December 6, 2024 | Details |
Healing | 2 | December 5, 2024 | Details |
Sanity | 2 | December 5, 2024 | Details |
Prayer request | 2 | November 30, 2024 | Details |
to Lord God | 2 | November 28, 2024 | Details |
Herbert | 2 | November 26, 2024 | Details |
Healing and Protection | 2 | November 24, 2024 | Details |
husband's repentance | 2 | November 23, 2024 | Details |
Healing in every area of my life | 2 | November 22, 2024 | Details |
Please pray for me God would bless me with housing
Life & Soul Deliverance
My prayer request is for a life & soul deliverance breakthrough. I want to be free. I want to be protected. I want to physically, emotionally and mentally break through. I want to stop being held back. I want my relationship with my other half to prosper and nobody have any say in it or try to get in between it. I want to break free from frustration and negativity and step into a life of purpose, joy, peace, success, freedom, and happiness. I want to have the career that I am meant to be in and be successful in it for the rest of my life. I want to want go to my job every single day. I want to be happy to go to work every single day. I want to be accepted and understood. I want for friendships. I want friendships to work out. I want for people to want to be in my life and want to be around me and know me. I want people to see how good I am. I want to be so loved. I want for my relationship with my other half to be so solid, protected, faithful, happy, cared, loved, present, fun, godly good emotional, communicative, supported. I want my life to be so miracley successful!
Richard is a surgeon and makes a lot of money. He is prideful and has a lot of evil working through him. I have forgiven many times but I’m asking for God himself to take over this fight against him so I can have peace. He mocks God and the Bible and God needs to do something drastically to change his ways. Pray God scares him or encounters him, or whatever he has to do to stop him from harming me. Pray that God does something so big it removes any narcissism in him. He doesn’t harm physical. I need an immediate miracle. Pray that I am
I am forever protected from this insane lady Jane who he brought into my life and she is psychotic. Pray they never interact again either. Pray God sends his warring angels and that all evil protecting him permanently and immediately removed. All in Jesus Christ’s name - thanks for victory God ! Pray for my miracles in every part of my life and my kids lives. Pray for my total healing from this situation. It has been exhausting
I need healing and I am ready to receive it in Jesus's Name, I am exhausted due to preDiabetes and high blood pressure, let all the organs and cells in my body be healed right now in the Mighty Name of Jesus, let us unite in prayer and reverse any negative changes, in His Name we cancel any negative changes and delete and damages were done, thank you, Jesus, for healing and full recovery so I won't be so weak and tired anymore and I can take care of my 3 little kids
Deliverance from the devil forever
Please pray for the devil to be gone and removed from me forever
Need your prayers
I pray that I do a fantastic job cutting & styling hair at my job & I'll get a lot faster at it & everyone will like me at work. In Jesus name.
Ron's Salvation
May Ron be brought to his knees in godly sorrow and repentance towards God and may he hunger and thirst for Christ and a deeper understanding of knowing him. May the Lord reach him with whatever means necessary. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
If you would pray for The LORD to protect me from The Devil and my enemies, and for The LORD's protection and provision for me. Please pray for The LORD to help me through the trials I am going through. Thank you.
Tina and Famly Saved
May my sister, Tina, and her family know Jesus intimately and become serious about Him. May she repent and be saved. May she also be healed of bi-polar disorder and delivered from her afflictions. In Christ, Amen.
Spiritual Prayer Request
Requesting prayer for situations with management at Bucee's in Alabama. They are liars and Untrustworthy. Crystal took a prayer I had. A prayer is words that are between you and GOD and the situation, if you choose to share it with someone is between you and them. Anyways, she took my prayer and read it with other managers after I had asked if she had seen my paper. She lied and said she didn't know what I was talking about but she clearly did because I asked her and another coworker Blake if they had seen my papers at least 4 times that day. I know this is certainly a distraction because the enemy does that but whatever the evil bastard has planned will not work. Satan and his demons will not win. I have the victory, favor and grace because I trust in Our Heavenly Father to make all things right.
Pray to heal Viola Cleo Bradshaw from Alzheimers disease and restore her soul mind, and set Viola Cleo Bradshaw free and heal her light within to think again and pray she has deep sleep and brainstem healing. Lift up Alan Bruce Bradshaw to healing. Pray to stop animal sacrifice of A pony named Thunderbolt in Lucan Ontario Canada of a blood ritual sacrifice in the Moonlight magic and free Thunderbolt from witchcraft reality casting and all evil and heal his mind fully. Pray to remove demons paul bernardo and Karla teale from a Pony named Thunderbolt who has suffered animal cruelty.Pray I Viola Cleo Bradshaw are free from dream hacking.
Astral projections familiar spirits
.Thank You mighty Abba Yahuwah ? ?????for Your Spiritual Battle Armour
which You have provided for all those that love You. Please, I ask You to
forgive KJV for all KJV's sins and transgressions and help KJV to resist the enemy. Please put upon KJV and
help KJV take up:Your Girdle of Truth. Your Breastplate of Righteousness. Your Sandals ofthe Gospel of Peace, and Your Helmet of Salvation. Appoint unto KJV Your Garment of Vengeance (Isaiah 59:17), Cloak of Zeal (Isaiah 59:17),and Armour of Light (Romans 13:12) and Your Mighty Shield of Salvation
(Psalm 18:35).I ask You to put upon KJV the Garment of Praise (Isaiah 61:3), theGirdle of Righteousness on our loins and the Girdle of Faith around ourreins (Isaiah 11:5).
I ask You to deploy the LARGE Shield of Favor around KJV (Psalms 5:12),
and equip KJV with Your Glittering Spear (Habakkuk 3:11) and Your Shieldof Faith (Ephesians 6:16).
We ask You for the LARGE Shield and Buckler of Truth (Psalm 91:4),
the Arrow of Deliverance (2 Kings 13:17), and the mighty Warhammer ofYour Word (Jeremiah 23:29), that we might stand, and having done all,
stand against the enemy. We take up Sword of the Ruach ha Qodesh (Set
Apart Spirit), the D'var (Word) of Yahuwah ??????, and use Your D'var
against ALL forces of evil in our lives.
Abba Father, we put on Your Battle Armour and live, and pray, in
complete dependence upon You - Blessed Ruach ha Qodesh.
In Jesus name.Father,In Jesus name, I pray for this week to be opened up for angelic assistance in all KJV's endeavors.As I step into this new week, I ask for Your heavenly hosts tosurround KJV, guide KJV's steps, and protect KJV from harm.Let Your angels be dispatched to clear the path ahead ofobstacles, open doors of opportunity, and provide divine
guidance.For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways,KJV trust in Your promise of angelic protection and assistance.May Your angels minister to KJV, bringing insights, wisdom, and
favor as I pursue KJV's goals and navigate the challenges.I declare that with angelic assistance, I am more than equippedto overcome, to succeed, and to thrive in area of KJV's life.Thank you, Lord, for the provision of Your angelic hosts, ensuring
my victory and safeguarding KJV's journey.In Jesus’ name, For he will command hisangels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will liftyou up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against
a stone.Are not all angels
ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?
The angel answered, ‘I am
Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to
speak to you and to tell you this good news.Suddenly an angel of the Lord
appeared and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the
side and woke him up. ‘Quick, get up.’ he said, and the chains fell off Peter’s wrists.The angel of the Lord encampsaround those who fear him, and he delivers them.Pray without ceasing.Praise the Lord, you his
angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word.Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.See that you do not
despise KJV. For I tell you that their angels inheaven always see the face of KJV's Father KJV's God sent his angel, and heshut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt KJV, because Iwas found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever done any wrongbefore you, Your Majesty.Away
from KJV, Satan. For it is written: Worship the Lord your God, and
serve him only.But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.
Evil wicked powers invoking KJV's spirit-man to wander around, let the thunder of God strike you to death, in Jesus name. Evil powers goes on a spiritual journey for KJV's sake, falling and dying. Any astral demons monitoring KJV, die by fire in Jesus's name. I withdraw KJV's glory from the astral world, in Jesus name. Evil astral projections into KJV's life and destiny, go back to the sender, in Jesus name. Any witches and wizards on a spiritual journey for KJV's sake, I PULL YOU DOWN KJV's FIRE, in Jesus name. Every evil bird flying for KJV's sake, be roasted by fire, in Jesus name. Every astral attack against KJV's elevation, somersault into the fire, in Jesus name. Evil agendas of the enemy for KJV's life through astral attacks, your time is up, therefore die by fire, in Jesus name. Arrows of familiar spirit, gather yourself together and backfire, in Jesus's name. Powers assigned to possess KJV, die by the power in the blood of Jesus. KJV's spirit man rejects every witchcraft call, in Jesus name. I frustrate every familiar spirits exchange of KJV's virtues, in Jesus name. I deliver KJV's soul from bewitchments of astral attacks, in Jesus name. Every spell and enchantment, programmed against KJV by astral powers, be destroyed, in Jesus name. Every spiritual marriage with familiar spirits are destroyed, in Jesus name. Blood of Jesus, destroy familiar spirits' manipulation, fashioned against KJV, in Jesus name. O Lord, let the weapons of familiar spirits turn against them, in Jesus name. Evil familiar spirits steals KJV's virtues, releases them, and dies, in Jesus's name. Every evil deposit in KJV's spirit, soul, and body, is flushed out by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name. Every stranger in KJV's body, health, workplace or job, finances, investments, jumps out, in Jesus name. By fire, I destroy evil soul ties between KJV and the occult kingdom, in Jesus's name. Let the thunder, fire, and lightning of the Lord scatter all the forces of the enemy, in Jesus name. Any astral ritual is done on KJV's soul to explore KJV's virtues, burn to ashes, in Jesus's name. O Lord, let your fire destroy every witch using astral travel to get at KJV, in Jesus name. Let the identification mark of the occult upon KJV's life be washed off by the blood of Jesus. Every invisible enemy that is roaming around KJV's premises at night to subdue KJV, be exposed, and be ignited by fire, in Jesus's name. I command the fire of the Holy Ghost to destroy their witchcraft covens and scatter them unto desolation, in Jesus's name. Fire of God, burn to ashes the agenda of eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood, in Jesus name. Let all the strongholds of the serpent and scorpion in KJV's household receive the thunder of God and be dismantled, in Jesus name.Abba Yahuwah, Your Mighty Word declares that “The heaven, even the heavens, are Yahuwah’s: but the
earth hath he given to the children of men.Behold, the heaven and the heaven of heavens is Yahuwah thy Elohim’s, the earth also, with
all that therein is.The earth is Yahuwah’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.On the basis of these Kadosh (Holy) Scriptures, which cannot be broken and as a Believer in
Jesus the Messiah, I speak against all fallen angelic or celestial beings and all things created with a name that dare harass or attack KJV, KJV's family, loved ones, pets, properties or possessions - I declare:Yahuwah rebuke thee.I declare that all the heavens above and the earth below belong to the Almighty Abba YAHUWAH. I speak and bring the mighty power of the Cross, the Resurrection and the Ascension of Jesus the Messiah against
any fallen angelic or celestial beings, their weaponry and technologies, as well as their cohorts in any attempt
to hinder, harm or manipulate the redemptive purposes of YAHUWAH in KJV's life. I command you to leave KJV now THROUGHOUT dimensions we traverse, including the dream. realm, NEVER to return in Jesus name. Abba YAHUWAH, in Jesus’ Name, I ask you please, command Your Malakim (Angels)
armored with Your Divine Banner of Authority and enrobed with the Power of the Ruach ha Qodesh to pursue the enemy far from KJV, and to chase them into dark and slippery places. Desolate those of Your enemies working against KJV. Father, please rebuke those who are tracking, attacking or harassing KJV AND their minions and command YOUR celestial servants to destroy, utterly remove and vanquish the enemy and all their plans, traps and snares for KJV in Jesus’ Name I pray.I declare and agree, according to YAHUWAH’s Scriptures, that the enemy has NO POWER or
authority over KJV — his day is FINISHED. I speak judgment and utter desolation against those NOT ofYahuwah, including all their weaponry and tools used to attack KJV coming from any realms, dimensions, or places created with a name. I command you all to go where our Master, Jesus the Messiah tells you togo, by the Voice of His Ruach ha Qodesh (Holy Spirit), in Jesus’s Name I pray.Father in heaven I come before you in Jesus name and I renounce Satan & fallen angels and serve them a bill of divorce. I pull up the hidden documents detailing covenants, contracts and oath entangling KJV and command that they be stamped with the blood of Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray that your heavenly hosts would be put on assignment to place every (alter/part in me) that is loyal to on temporary lock- down. I pray that those parts would be put to sleep.. I now deed Satan's territory in KJV over to the kingdom of God and I invite you, Jesus, to take the throne and begin to rule over this territory with your rod of iron.. In Jesus name I now bind all gatekeepers and discover each and every portal access point belonging to , (his/her) realm and (his/her) inheritance.. I place the blood of Jesus upon evil portal access points and I seal them with the Holy Spirit. I declare that they are put to sleep and permanently deactivated from this day forward.. I take the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God and I cut KJVfree from Satan's realm and (his/her) inheritance in Jesus' name. I return forms of counterfeit inheritance inclusive of promised wealth, position, status, calling, ability, power, genetic code, seed, and any other form of counterfeit inheritance in Jesus' name. I refuse it and sever KJV from it and from this day forward I choose to receive KJV's inheritance in Jesus. I renounce all spirit children related to and undo all quantum entanglements involved in their creation. I command their judgment, and the purging of the realms they occupy by judgment through living water. I appeal to justice according to Galatians 6:7 which declares that as a man sows, so shall he reap. I pray that would now reap a hundred fold return for all of the evil sown against KJV, KJV's ancestors, and all whom I represent in the form of justice and judgment and wrath, arrows and lightning, hail stones, tsunamis of living water, and plundering by the armies of heaven, in Jesus' name. I now take authority over every evil spirit on the inside of KJV and around KJV that has been operating under the authority of Satan. I declare that you are discovered, apprehended, bound, pierced through, and thrust out of KJV for judgment. I declare that you are being sent to the abyss for failed assignment. I pray that spiritual objects, tattoo, devices, labels, markers, power sources, grids, or brandings placed in or around KJV by or those under Satan'sauthority would be consumed in the holy fire of Jesus and totally dissolved. Jesus, I pray that you would cause Satan's memory to perish regarding every part of KJV. Father I come before You now in the Name of their Lord and SaviorJesus. Father I ask You to forgive KJV of any of their sins, their transgresses, their iniquities, and their trespasses, in Jesus name. Father Iask You to forgive KJV of any un-forgiveness I have in their hearts at this time toward anyone.Father in Jesus name I ask to encamp Your Mighty Warring andguarding angels around KJV, and to guard KJV and protect KJV, and to shield KJV, and to destroy evil spirits, demonic spirits, strongmen, messengers of satan, witchcraft prayers or curses that would try to come against KJV, and their houses, cars, finances, properties, investments, trucks, health, buildings, lands, anything inside of them. Father, we ask You to loose Your angels around KJV to guard KJV and protect KJV from all thesethings in Jesus name. Father we ask You to loose Your angels around KJV to guard KJV and.protect KJV and to destroy any curses, hexes, vexes, incantations, chains, fetters, snares, or traps, curses, lies, witchcraft prayers, charismatic witchcraft prayers, ungodly soul-ish prayers, spells, demonic spells of any kind, destroy these things that try to come against KJV in Jesus name.
Father, Commander of Heaven's Armies, I come to You today concerning the monitoring spirits and familiar spirits that are watching KJV's progress and coming against the purpose and plans You have for KJV's life. I ask that You would annihilate every evil gathering that comes against KJV in Jesus Name.
Father, please disrupt their camp and send confusion within their communication. Disrupt their meetings and destroy the foundation of their meeting places.
Father, please fashion Your weapon of devastation to destroy them. Absolutely no weapon formed against KJV shall prosper and any tongue that rises up against KJV in judgement You will prove to be in the wrong.Father, please keep and guard KJV as the apple of Your eye and hide KJV under the shadow of Your wings. Cover KJV with Your glory cloud of smoke by day and the shining of a flaming fire by night; be a canopy over KJV, a defense of divine love andprotection. Put a hedge about KJV, KJV's health, KJV's finances, KJV's job, KJV's investments, KJV's transportation, and KJV's house and all that I have on every side.Father, please confer prosperity and happiness upon KJV and the work of KJV's hands, and KJV's possessions will increase for Your glory.Father, let the Blood of Jesus be a hedge of protection around KJV that hides KJV from all monitoring spirits, familiar spirits, demonic watchers, and all evil spirits. I decree that the Bloodline forms a hedge of protection wherein the enemy can not track or trace KJV in the realm of the spirit or the natural. Let there be no perforations to this hedge of protection.Father, please blind evil eyes, and cut off demonic tongues that have been assigned to speak against KJV's progress.Father, please keep Your Word ever before KJV so that I may be wiser than the enemy. Bring to mind the scriptures I need to speak into the atmosphere to scatter them and destroy them. I tear up by the roots in the spirit and physically anything that has been planted in KJV's life, KJV's house, on KJV's job, in KJV's surrounding area, on KJV's body that was not put there by You and was planted to destroy KJV's hope and KJV's future. Bring to mind any objects that are around KJV that would cause these monitoring of familiar spirits to congregate against KJV. Please cover KJV with Your Blood Jesus KJV's life, future, destiny, KJV's job, health, house, finances, the investments that you've given KJV so that the enemy will not be able to come against anything that belongs to KJV.Surely Your goodness, mercy, and unfailing love shall follow KJV all the days of KJV's life, and through the length of KJV's days the house of the Lord [and His presence] shall be KJV's dwelling place. Lord may every monitoring spirit and familiar spirit be permanently blinded, and lose KJV's address. May they never find KJV, in Jesus Name, Father, thank You for the ministry of angels in KJV' life. It gives KJV great comfort to realize that You have given them charge over KJV in order to keep KJV at all times. I praise You for angels, O God. Thank You, Father, for sending angels Your ministering spirits to minister to all KJV. I believe and receive their ministry in KJV's life. Give KJV a greater appreciation and understanding of the work of angels in KJV's life , O God. I realize there are thousands of angels, and I thank You that You are in their midst.
Thank You, Father, that hundreds of thousands of angels are ministering to You, and I thank You for allowing Your angels to minister to KJV in so many ways. Thank You for their guardian angels that continually behold Your face in heaven.
It gives KJV great comfort and a wonderful sense of security to realize that Your angels are encamping around KJV, and to know that they are always ready to deliver KJV. In the same way Yousent the angel to shut the lion’s mouth in order to protect Daniel, I ask You to let Your angels watchover and protect KJV. Thank You, Father, for the power of Jesus in KJV's life . He is the brightness of Your glory and the express image of Your person, and He upholds all things by the word of His power. Thank You
for the fact that He has purged KJV of all their sins, and now sits at Your right hand. The inheritance He has received permits Him to obtain a more excellent name than even the name of angels. I join with the angels of heaven, Lord God, in honoring Jesus, because I know that through Him, You have made Your angels a flame of fire in KJV's life . Thank You for angels, Father. In Jesus’ name I pray. Jesus, your word declares that angels intervene in KJV's life. I believe that angels are released by positive confessions, and demons are released by negative confessions. Father, I thank you for the hosts of Heaven that are operating on KJV's behalf. Make KJV sensitive to the existence and presence of angelic beings. There are more angels working for KJV than there are demons working against KJV. One-third of the angels fell with
Lucifer. This means that two-thirds of the angels in Heaven are working on KJV's behalf. Lord, I thank you for opening their eyes to see the angelic hosts and chariots of fire circling their situations to fight on KJV's behalf. In Jesus name, I release the angels of prosperity on KJV's behalf. Because I walk before the lord, the angels of the lord will prosper their way. Lord, I thank you for angelic intervention in their dreams. Let the same anointing that was on Jacob be on KJV to.dream dreams of angels. Father, I thank you for the spirit ladderof the lord that comes from Heaven to the Earth. The angels are taking away what I do not need and bringing to KJV that which I
need. I am living under an open heaven that is open to angelic intervention. I command the angels that take vengeance on the ungodly tofight battles on KJV's behalf. KJV's battles are not by power and might but by the Spirit of the Most High God. The weapons of their warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. As I decree and declare the word and will of the lord, angels will be released to minister the vengeance of the lord. I call the captain of the hosts to go before KJV in battle with his sword drawn against all that would harm their family and KJV.Father, I thank you that you hear their prayers. I thank you for the angels that excel in strength, hear your responses to their prayers as you command them, and do your bidding. Blessed be your
name, Lord. Your angels do your pleasure. I thank you for your angels that watch over KJV. I thank you for the angels you have
commanded to protect KJV. Shut every lion’s mouth that has.been set in their way to devour KJV. Lord, I thank you for the angels that are sent to answer prayer,
minister peace and encouragement, remind God’s people of his love, deliver warnings, reap the end-time harvest, minister to
KJV, inform KJV, rejoice when souls are saved, and strengthen KJV.
Father Yahuwah, Your Mighty Word declares that “The heaven, even the heavens, are Yahuwah’s: but the earth hath he given to the KJV of men.Behold, the heaven and the heaven of heavens is Yahuwah thy Elohim’s, the earth, with all that therein is.The earth is Yahuwah’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.. I speak against all fallen angelic or celestial beings and all things created with a namethat dare harass or attack KJV, KJV's health, finances, investments, transportation or possessions - I declare:Yahuwah rebuke thee.I declare that all the heavens above and the earth below belong to the Almighty Father YAHUWAH. I speakand bring the power of the Cross, the Resurrection and the Ascension of Jesus the Messiah against fallen angelic or celestial beings, their weaponry and technologies, as well as their cohorts in any attempt to hinder, harm or manipulate the redemptive purposes of YAHUWAH in KJV's life. I command you to leave KJV now THROUGHOUT every dimension they traverse, including the dream realm, NEVER to return in Jesus name. Father YAHUWAH, in Jesus Name, I ask you please, command Your Malakim Angels armored with Your Divine Banner of Authority and enrobed with the Power of the Ruach ha Qodesh to pursue the enemy far from KJV, and to chase them into dark and slippery places. Desolate those of Your enemies right now working against KJV. Father, please rebuke those who are tracking, attacking or harassing KJV AND their minions and command YOUR celestial servants to destroy, utterly remove and vanquish the enemy and all their plans, traps and snares for KJV in Jesus’s Name I pray. I declare and agree, according to YAHUWAH’s Scriptures, that the enemy has NO POWER or.authority over KJV, his day is FINISHED. I speak judgment and utter desolation against those NOT of Yahuwah, including all their weaponry and tools used to attack KJV coming from any realm, dimension or place created with a name. I command you all to go right now where their Master, Jesus tells you togo, by the Voice of His Ruach ha Qodesh Holy Spirit, in Jesus’s Name I pray.Father, I decree, declare and proclaim that retaliation, counterattack, judgments, revenge, or
reprisals of Satan or his minions, immediately, completely, permanently, and continually
forbidden, in the name and by the Blood of Jesus, all by the faith of God in Jesus’ Name.Father, by the faith of God in Jesus’ Name, I take to KJV'sself and now possess and impart
the Blessing and activation of the Golden Altar of Melchizedek, that sits before the Throne of
God in the Throne Room of Heaven, yielding to the Holy Spirit for continual impartation and
empowerment of KJV'sself as a living Godly altar raised to the Glory of The Father, and forcontinual impartation of all Godly altars that I raise on behalf of the Glory of The Father, Son
and Holy Spirit, by the faith of God in Jesus’ Name do I decree, declare, proclaim and.possess all that I have confessed herein, so be these things now, in Jesus’ Name.Father, I ask you to dispatch a warrior angel to Satan and each and every one of his spirits or.entities that have been on assignment and KJV's birth, with a
Restraining Order and a Permanent Order to Cease and Desist, and to serve Satan and all of his minions that have been on assignment and operating altars against KJV since birth, and instruct them to serve Satan and his minions and read those orders and
command and demand that cease, immediately, permanently and perpetually by the faith of
God and ALL TO YOUR GLORY, FATHER, in Jesus' Name.
I decree, declare and proclaim all counterattacks, revenge, retaliations, or reprisals of satan, immediately, completely, permanently and perpetually forbidden to ever seed, manifest, actualize, or realize against KJV, or anything that KJV am, have or possess, for anything done on KJV's behalf of the lord's glory, and decree all such permanently forbidden,
all by the faith of God in Jesus’ name.Father, in Jesus name, I bind and break all witchcraft, mind-reading, curses, spells,
and any other witchcraft powers
and through the Power and Authority of Jesus, I break and destroy the works of witches, warlocks, wizards, sorcerers, occult programmers, and all other powers of darkness.
Through the Power and Authority and Name of Jesus I break all their powers,the influences of witchcraft,
evil powers, mind-reading, spells,
hexes, vexes, voodoo, hoodoo,
roots, potions,or any such things
I break off KJV and intercessors who will pray this prayer.I invoke Psalm 80:18, “so I will not go back from thee: quicken KJV and I will call upon thy name.Through the Power and Authority and Name of Jesus I bind up and destroy all their
spirit-guides, helps, and shields of these workers of evil, and leave them without any strength stripped of their evil power and influence forever.
In Jesus name, and by His Power & Authority, I now seal up their powers within themselves, so that they cannot use them on KJV, and that their works might be destroyed,
for the glory of God.In Jesus’ Name and Power, I cut and burn demonic silver cords. I break down, undam, and blow up all walls of protection around lay (ley) lines, ports,portals,
cups, pitchers bowls,witches, warlocks, wizards, satanists, sorcerers, occult programmers and the like.In Your name Jesus, I break the power of all mind-reading, death,
stalkings, destruction, curses, sicknesses, hexes, pain, vexes, torments, spells, psychic powers, charms, psychic warfare, fetishes, prayer chains, psychic prayers, incense and candle burning,
psychic thoughts, poisons, witchcraft, incantations, sorceries, chantings, magic, ungodly blessings, voodoo, hoodoo, crystals, mind control, rootworks, jinxes, demonic manifestations, potions, shapeshifting spirits, bewitchments, astral projections and everything else being sent KJV's way, or intercessors' way who prays this prayer, and I return it and the demons to the sender, sevenfold, and I bind it to them by the Name and the Power of Jesus.I command the spirits of witchcraft out of KJV's home, health, workplace or job, finances, investments and to go into the very lowest point of She’ol or to the feet of Jesus for Him to determine their.fate.Father, send your angels and escort the evil spirits to the lowest point of She’ol and place anangelic guard there so they never can return in Jesus’ name.
please pray for the dogs GReta, Reno, Fringo to get adopted from animal shelter U. thanks
Prayer Needed
Please pray for The LORD to heal my backsliding and body. Please pray for my deliverance from my enemies and from any bondages or strongholds that I am under. Please pray for The LORD to help me through the trials I am going through and for His protection on me. Also, please pray that The LORD provides for all of my spiritual, material, and financial needs. Please pray that The LORD gives me the victory over all things.
I'm taking a long time to fall asleep and having a lot of difficulty and fatigue getting up in the morning. Please pray that I sleep well at night and wake up and get up early. I appreciate you prayer.
Please pray Richard doesn’t cheat on me in any manner. He worked w a scrub tech who he thought was cute and he denies any wrongdoing beyond work but I keep seeing gross spiritual visions of them together. I see a gross tentacles in Richard in the spirit. Pray Jehovah Saboath removes these images and reveals the truth and fights this war for me. Pray I’m never cheated on ever again permanently and immediately. Pray this is the last second I will have to deal w this and she is permanently and immediately removed from our lives and minds spirits - pray Richard is delivered from cheating on me in any manner. Pray Jesus Christ curses their relationship and anything in Richard that harms me or lies or withholds information. Pray for my weight loss and beauty. Pray for my kids and I to have protection, blessing, money, peace, healthy, favor, 20 pound weight-loss from Adonai Elohim himself permanently and immediately in Jesus name. Pray for our suffering to end in all areas and for our dogs to be protected. In Jesus Christs name
Deliverance and restoration in marriage
To deliver my husband Shane from the spirit of pride and apathy. And both of us including myself from Jezebel, leviathan, deception, bitterness, resentment, rejection, animosity, anger
Pray to heal and save DR Viola Cleo Bradshaw from multiple personality disorder and dissociative personality disorder and heal her brainstem. She been deselfed and has faceless personality and needs healing to be unique and have an outlook on life. heal skin cancer Pray to heal her Alzheimers diseas. Free Jhana Maya Bradshaw and Pauline Lowe free from a cult bondage. Break those chains. Set ALan Bruce Bradshaw free from evil spirits and heal his family tree. Pray that orphans be adopted by rich and good families, for an end to human and animal suffering, and for world peace. " And he passed by Moses the Lord God, gracious and merciful, abounding in
Pray to heal Viola Cleo Bradshaw heal her Alzhiemers disease and narcissistic personality disorder, paranoid disorder and borderline personality disorder, multiple Personality disorder and split personality disorder in VIOLA CLEO BrRADSHAW to heal her fears and pray she gets self awareness to stop lying, shame, insecurity and power to heal core wounds from mind swapping by Satan. Pray she gets healing for Alzheimers disease.. She has mental illness. Pray Jhana Maya Bradshaw is free from cult bondage. Break those chains. Pray that orphans be adopted by rich and good families, for global enlightenment, for an end to human and animal suffering, and for world peace. " And he passed by Moses the Lord God, gracious and merciful, abounding in love, maintaining love for thousands, slow to anger, forgiving of sin rebellion wickedness, abundant in goodness and truth." Exodus 34:6. Jesus is a great teacher.
Pray that VIOLA CLEO BRADSHAW heal her split personality disorder and heal multiple personality disorder healing, brainstem healing and pray she is made whole, complete in Christ and stops identity crisis, and pray she has oneness with God. Lift up Llyode Chin and give him truth power and strength for his ministry. Pray that orphans be adopted by rich and good families, for global enlightenment, for an end to human and animal suffering, and for world peace. " And he passed by Moses the Lord God, gracious and merciful, abounding in love, maintaining love for thousands, slow to anger, forgiving of sin rebellion wickedness, abundant in goodness and truth." Exodus 34:6. Jesus is a great teacher.
I am having many negative, insane, and persistent thoughts. Pray that God clears my mind and restores my sanity. Thank you for your prayer.
Prayer request
My mom has a colon blockage!
Please pray she will be able to do bowel movements!
to Lord God
Lord God, YHWH, I believe You are alive. Please answer my desperate prayer, confirming that You are real, in Your name. (Psalm 139)
I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and He died for my sins on the cross.
Will You please pray for me? Thank You. God bless you.
A friend of mine, Herbert, is really struggling right now. He has lapsed back to drinking - please can your church pray him free - and also pray him free from his anxieties and depressions. Also pray for his heart to open to Jesus. He currently believes in God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit and he prays, but he struggles to believe that the only way we get into heaven is through Jesus. Pray that he will open his heart to the love Jesus has for him.
Please lift this dear man up in prayer. I confidently expect wonderful results ??? Thank you
Healing and Protection
Holy and Loving Father, Heal me in every area of my life. Let Your Word be a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. God bless me with Your favor, knowledge, wisdom, peace, protection, prosperity, strength, and success in all You have called me to do. And bless me to do all You have called me to do in the spirit of excellence for Your glory. Remove evil eyes and all arrows pointing at me and deliver me from all obstacles in Christ's name. Amen. Okon James
husband's repentance
Please pray for the Lord to cut all ties between my husband and his ex-mistress and for true repentance
Healing in every area of my life
Now at this moment- For myself, my daughter, my mom, my dad, my sister and my brother to become closer to God walking in his perfect will daily
I ask, request, decree and pray for myself, my daughter , my mom, my dad, my brother and my sister to be healed, restored and made whole in every area of our lives so much that there are no signs that anything was ever stolen from us by the devil and the workers of iniquity in Jesus Name, starting right now at this moment.
I ask, request, decree and pray for myself, my daughter , my mom, my dad, my brother and my sister to be forever free and protected from by the permanent obliteration of any evil activations of evil altars, evil winds, water spirits, the earth, the grave, witchcraft, trees, the sun, the moon, authority curses, bloodline curses, demonic attacks, evil decrees, evil foundations, blocking spirits, the scatterer, false prophesies and first born curses starting now and always in Jesus name.
I ask, request, decree and pray for myself, my daughter , my mom, my dad, my brother and my sister to be excellent at building many altars for Jesus inside our homes and outside of our homes.
Now at this moment- For myself, my daughter, my mom, my dad, my sister and my brother to get so close to God where it says in the scriptures no foul can bother us starting now and always.
Now at this moment- Complete, and total healing and restoration of my body and for my body to be continuously disease and sickness resistant with no signs that I ever had tumors or cancer cells now and always in Jesus Name.
Now at this moment- Permanent healing of my spine, the limp on my right side hip and leg and for both my legs to be the same length permanently to the point that there are no signs that I ever had any of these problems in Jesus Name now and always.
A long fulfilled thriving life living into my 90s and beyond with my full mental capacity and physical capacity.
I ask, request, decree and pray that Dr. Fisher, that the nurses at Atrium health and every health professional that I see as a patient or interact with personally can confirm with lab results, lab tests, lab evaluations, xrays, scans, mri’s, or any other specialized test to evaluate my body and health condition uses all of these measures to factually confirm that all cancer has left my body and has not returned, that I am so healthy that I am expected to live to age 100, that I am so healthy that it is as if I never had a diagnosis of cancer, that I am so healthy that it is as if nothing was ever wrong with my breasts, blood, bones, liver or body. I ask, request, decree and pray for quick confirmation that this prayer comes to past this year in 2024, I pray that this prayer is always and permanently answered because the bible states in Nahum 1:9 He will make a complete end of it; Affliction will not occur twice, Psalm 41:3 The Lord supports (will sustain, refresh and strengthen) me on my sickbed; He completely heals me from my illness. 1 John 5:14-15 Now this is the confidence that I have in Him, that if I ask anything according to His will, He hears me [sickness is not His will]. And if I know that He hears me, whatever I ask, I know that I have the petitions that I have asked of Him. Proverbs 4:20-22, I give attention to God’s words; I incline my ear to His sayings. I do not let them depart from my eyes; I keep them in the midst of my heart; For they are life, and health to all my flesh. Isaiah 54:17 No weapon [sickness is a weapon of the enemy] formed against me shall prosper… This is my heritage as a servant of the Lord…, Deuteronomy 3:22 I do not fear…for the Lord my God Himself fights for me. I pray all of these things in Jesus Christ of Nazareth Name Hallelujah forever, Amen!
For long long long vibrant and thriving lives for myself, Aiana, my dad, my mom, my sister and my brother and for us to live into our 100s starting now and always.
I ask, request and pray that I live a very long time into my 90s and 100s and pass into heaven by natural causes with a perfectly healthy thriving happy holy body and not pass into heaven by disease and brokenness starting now and always.
For finances, opportunities and my life, my daughter, my sister, my brother, my mom and my dad to be good stewards over finances and life dealings, never to be taken advantage of by anybody or any entity or any company starting now and always.
For myself, my daughter, my sister, my mom, my dad and my brother to make, have, inherit, produce and live with plenty of money, hundreds of thousands of dollars in our bank accounts each and every single month that we can serve with, live off of and be fulfilled with starting now and always.
Thank you for lifting up this request in prayer.